Monday, July 12, 2010

Digital Tool: Concept Mapping for Learning


  1. First of all, I love your blog, it looks fantastic. You really 'sell' the tools, not just through words, but also through the thoughtful choice of design, layout and imagery. Children today will benefit from learning how to consider these aspects when 'reading' and creating 21st century text!! I am interested to know how you have included technology in the classroom ?, and if so has it been a positive experience ?
    As for the concept map, there has been some debate on the blogs that online concept mapping is limiting to the flow of ideas, alot of people think that the idea of concept mapping is to be able to quickly brainstorm (including me). What do you think ? Thanks Kirk

  2. Hi Kirk and Sadi,
    I have the conversation with Nina about Mind Mapping being a quick brain storming and at first I agreed. However, I am quickly changing my mind because we have to take into account the 21st Century learner because this is how they engage in information. They think in the 21st century and would easily use this technology. Have you had second thoughts? I would be interested in hearing your thoughts.

  3. Even though students today are comfortable and faster with using technological tools, I still think that if the purpose was to brainstorm ideas, the online concept mapping may not be the best method. Which begs the question: Are there some situations where paper and pen is more effective or better than using the computer? I like to have students, particularly young students work in groups to brainstorm ideas, using couloured markers and large sheets of paper, they share the task of being a scriber. There are some literacy brainstorming interactives on the read write think site, however, that I think are very effective in getting students to get the ideas flowing, such as venn diagrams, story planners and poetry interactives. Although, at first skeptical of online brainstorming, I can now see some benefits. Advantages can include being able to save and edit, and being inclusive to a range of different learners (I used a program called kidspiration, which was particularly good for this aspect)!


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