Friday, August 13, 2010

Voki - Great tool however extremley frustrating Rating ***

Get a Voki now!

About Voki

What is Voki?
Voki enables users to express themselves on the web in their own voice using a talking character. You can customize your Voki to look like you or take on the identity of lots of other types of characters… animals, monsters, anime etc. Your Voki can speak with your own voice which is added via microphone, upload, or phone.
Voki lives on your blog, social network profile and will soon be integrated in various instant messaging platforms. You will also be able to download it to most video supported phones.

Very Engaging and fun
Easy and friendly to use when it works the way is supposed to.
Tends to freeze or crash a lot when creating the Voki Avatar
Realise on Adobe Flash which is buggy but also won't be supported on iPhones, iPod touches and iPads.
Support students with learning difficulties as well as students that are shy in front of the cameraAvatars are becoming more popular and Voki if it stay with Flash and does not move to HTML5 format may well fall out of use.

What's with the name?
Voki is a combination of "vox", which is Latin for voice, and "Loki", which, is a prankster character in Norse Mythology.
Who made Voki?
Voki is brought to you by the folks at Oddcast, a New York based company that has been creating speaking characters on the web for years. These are the same people behind the popular Careerbuilder Monk-e-mail.
Web 2.0 to Web 3.0
HTML5 is the new web supported by the creators of Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and soon Web 3.0
So if Voki is to stay popular with schools then it must redesign it format from Flash to HTML5.
See Article:
You may experience the VOKI Blues...
Article by Kirk Raemond

Will Voki always be free?
Yes, you will always be able to come and create a character for free at Voki. However, we may offer special items or characters for sale at some point. Also some of the things you can do with your Voki, like downloading it to your phone, may cost money. It is also likely that you will see different kinds of sponsorship on the site. No matter what we do to make money through Voki, we'll make sure we keep you in the loop, get your feedback, and try not to do anything that makes Voki less entertaining to have.
Can anyone use Voki?
Voki is solely and exclusively for personal, non-commercial use only. If you run a business website where you sell things or you run a site about your business – a real estate agency, for example – then Voki is not for you. We have a product called SitePal that costs a small monthly fee for business class users.

Use Voki for class engagement and learning
  • Motivates learners to get involved with learning
  • Nourish learners creativity
  • improve message comprehension
  • Personalise relationship with students
  • Effective Language learning

Better Learning with ICT - Online Communities in the Classroom

NB# Computer animated characters segment starts at 5:09 Minutes into the video

How to Create a Voki



  1. Hi Kirk

    I am just so impressed with your design and knowledge on this topic. I am very interested to use Voki in my classroom and after reading your comments I am confident to do so.


  2. Hey Ash,
    So nice to hear from as I haven't seen you in awhile not since High School and primary have separate classes.
    I hope all is swell with you and your studies and professional athletics.

    Thank you also Ash for your terrific comment about design and knowledge of the topic as that made my day.

    As a part of my being and I.T Consultant I have to start fresh with latest technology and often predicting it future so my customers have not fallen behind but instead have stay ahead of the trends.
    This will prove handy as a Learning Manager who have got to stay ahead of ICT game otherwise fall deeper behind and the student will miss out which would be disappointing for them.

    Regarding Voki although it has its share of glitches will prove to a terrific engaging learning tools for student no matter what their levels of learning ability is as each learning including the shy can participate and collaborate and have some fun, which is what learning is about.



Kirk Raemond's Podcast